Hypothesis revision & the importance of local knowledge

This last spring (2015) I received a message on my blog post about Pyrola crypta from Barb Harbach of Larkspur, Colorado saying I have found a number of these plants in southern Douglas County, CO, in an area adjacent to Pike National Forest. They are just about to bloom-maybe within the week. One spot has …

Look-alikes: examples

One funny thing about Pyrola picta is that it co-occurs in most parts of its range with at least a couple of look-alikes! In fact, when looking for P. picta on past excursions, I've used the presence of these look-alike species as an indication that I'm getting hotter! Can you tell which of the images …

Light flecks, camouflage, and look-alikes

Common names for Pyrola picta Sm. include 'white-veined wintergreeen' and 'picture-leaf wintergreen', along with a few other variations on this theme. Photobleaching along the primary, secondary, and (to a lesser extent) tertiary veins in the leaf laminae can be quite striking against the ground, or appear camouflage in forests where light flecks created by the tree canopy …

Evolution of Promiscuity in Angiosperms: Microryza Project

Please help fund this important project!


2013-06-23 17.53.12Hey all ya’ll! I am floating my research project on a crowd-sourced ‘kickstarter’ website in hopes to raise $20K for my research and I need your help to get the word out to everyone (feel free to RE-POST this message). I am posting to let you know that you have the opportunity to contribute any amount of funding to my research on rare, predominantly alpine plants and the effects of climate change on the montane flora of California and more broadly throughout North America. No donation will be charged unless I reach my goal, and all donations are tax-deductible!

My project page can be found here, and will be made publicly available next week for exactly 30 days of fundraising:

Evolution of Promiscuity in Angiosperms

I’d be happy to provide more information for anyone, and obviously would acknowledge all contributions large and small on my website and in publications. Thanks…

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